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  http://www.artpangu.com   时间:2011-10-31 15:29:08    来源:盘古艺术网   点击:

For my understanding and pursuing of art, I have painted oil paintings in 2010, the main theme of which is in a series of space-time. They also are the accumulation of my natural science and philosop


For my understanding and pursuing of art, I have painted oil paintings in 2010, the main theme of which is in a series of space-time. They also are the accumulation of my natural science and philosophy of knowledge of many years. The paintings are my comprehension of the universe, the exploration of life. I try to describe the profoundness, infiniteness and mystery of the universe by my paintings, and try to display the hierarchy、the depth、the greatness and the infiniteness of the universe in front of people, for people to taste the endless universe, crossing the time, time travel and magic blurred galaxies. In this series of paintings of time and space, I put not only my Chinese painting technique of years into the Western oil paintings, but also the actual situation theory/ yin and yang theory of Chinese philosophy, and especially take space-time as the media to form my own unique painting language. In 2011,Beijing Phoenix Culture and Arts Salon Phoenix held a Solo exhibition of Time-space series of painting exhibition. 


Studied in Europe.  
Bsc degree in 2004.  
MA degree in 2008
2008 to 2009, studied at the China Academy of Fine and Art.

In 2010, Song Zhuang women Art Exhibition, Beijing
In 2011, the Phoenix Arts Salon held my first Solo exhibition, Beijing
2011, Song Zhuang Women Artists Exhibition, Beijing
2011, Song Zhuang Art Center Exhibition, Beijing

Email:zouminr@gmail.com  zmshiwo1381@hotmail.com

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